We’re pretty sure that everyone’s heard of the Golden Rule but just in case, here it is: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
This idea is present in nearly every major religion and philosophical tradition, but did you know that it’s also an important tenet for your business to uphold?
Kindness is contagious
Kindness is contagious and when you treat your employees well, you’ll set the tone for what we call Lovable Marketing. The way you treat your employees directly relates to your company’s brand. When they are happy with how you treat them, they will want to go above and beyond for you and your business — kindness generates more kindness. They’ll be inspired to give you glowing reviews on sites like glassdoor.com all because you follow the Golden Rule.
Because they’re near and dear to our hearts, we want to take a moment to talk about Ginger and Matt. It’s their kindness and love that makes WebPunch the impressive team that it is (if we do say so ourselves!). We can’t help but follow the example set forth for us by our brilliant leaders.
For starters, they treat us really, really well and they truly care about the WebPunch team. They check in with us often and ask us what we need, always reminding us that family comes first. They take the time to get to know each and every one of us. This attention to employees is evident in the following feedback from actual WebPunch employees:
— The amount of support, love, generosity and goodness that Ginger has given me is truly like no other person on the planet! She is always checking in, offering whatever she can, and I feel lucky EVERY DAY to be a part of this company!! I could go on and on about the wonderfulness, but one thing that comes to mind is when I had surgery, Ginger brought over magazines for snowboarding and yoga (two the activities I love the most and a part of why I needed to get the surgery), and an itunes gift card to get some movies. The magazines helped remind me why it was all worth it and the movies help pass the time, of course.
— Ginger took some of us out for breakfast on my one-year anniversary at WebPunch and also lunch and dinner at other times to celebrate the team… it’s not often the Denver office meets up but when we do, I always leave feeling like Matt and Ginger are such wonderful people to work for.. always asking how we are doing workload wise, they’re really excited about any ideas brought to the table and are always talking about what a great team they have. People like that make you want to go above and beyond for them.
— One of the MANY things Ginger does to make us smile & feel loved is our Jib Jab b-day cards. I love those!!
— Ginger has definitely been a Blessing in so many ways. Her caring demeanor is evident in all that she does, both with us employees and with our clients. When I was struggling with health issues this past fall and winter, she went above and beyond to care for me financially and emotionally. It has always been evident that she cares deeply for each one of us and truly wants the best for us. The atmosphere she has created among our team is “family-like” in so many ways. DEFINITELY the best working atmosphere I have ever experienced.
— I will never forget when my sweet dog, Moses, had to be put to sleep. It was a very sad day… the hardest choice I ever had to make. I could not stop crying. Ginger and Matt decided they wanted to send me a little sunshine, so they had 12 individual, beautifully decorated cupcakes delivered to my house. It made me smile and feel so loved. I have never had two bosses look out for me so much, show they cared so much and go above and beyond to let me know I am appreciated. They make you wanna be a better person, better employee, and even a better mom. I just love them! 😉
— Ginger gets to know the clients on a personal level and KNOWS about their kids, their health issues, their joys and triumphs and struggles… she inspires me to do the same for all of the folks that I interact with. Ginger is the heart and soul of WebPunch…. we are so blessed to have her on our team!!
— Ginger dropped off a box of cupcakes when I was not feeling well. Pretty cool!
— I had been given some new responsibilities and was totally drowning with my new workload. I groaned when I heard the ping of a new email, until I opened it and saw that it was a Starbucks giftcard from Ginger – she just knew I needed a little pick-me-up!
— I was having a really hard time at one point, maybe a year ago, and Ginger was not only super supportive on slack, but she also sent me a Starbucks voucher…it just made me feel so cared for.
Because we get treated so well, we want to do good work for Ginger and Matt. They continually encourage us to follow our hearts and empower us to make decisions that will represent Lovable Marketing to our clients. Our clients and their needs are our number one priority. Each department at WebPunch follows the Golden Rule and with every interaction, we look for ways to showcase WebPunch, and Ginger and Matt, in a positive light.
Subsequently, Matt and Ginger often receive messages like the following:
–I have had the opportunity to work with WebPunch for about 6 months now and specifically, Rachel and Piper. They are exceptional! The responsiveness, professionalism and customer service is world class. Couple this with their high level of expertise and it is a winning combination! I highly recommend Piper, Rachel and the entire WebPunch team. They will take excellent care you.
WebPunch has a 5-star rating on glassdoor.com and we know it’s due to the trickle-down effect from the sincerity and goodwill that starts at the top. WebPunch’s online reputation is golden because of Matt and Ginger’s outstanding work ethic and their thoughtfulness.
Make it your top priority to treat your employees favorably because they will become the voice of your company. Your online reputation becomes a byproduct of the relationships you foster with your employees. Ultimately, you hold the keys to your company’s reputation. Just follow the Golden Rule and your business will be hard to beat.