We are adding another important tool to your online reputation toolbox: Glassdoor.
Most of the time, we talk about what you can do externally to bolster your business’s online reputation, like seeking customer feedback or managing your online reviews.
However, the health of a company’s employees and how positively they talk about their place of business is just as much a reflection of what the company really stands for as its online reputation, if not more. It is a tool that businesses can use to manage their internal working environment and a tool that customers can use when judging a business.
Glassdoor is one of the leading websites where employees can go and review the business they are currently working for or have worked for in the past. Employees leave reviews and talk about a wide range of things including a business’s working conditions, what upper management is like, if the workload is manageable, any ethical issues within the company and even what they get paid.
It can be a great picture, even a reality check, into a company’s values that can either boost their online reputation or hurt it significantly, especially if employee reviews are poor.
Here’s a fictitious example: Small Business A pushes a brand and mission statement that is all about the quality of service, exceptional treatment of customers, and the fact that they use organic products. Their story is beautiful and their employees have a smile on their faces with every customer interaction. They even keep up with their online reputation by responding to reviews and giving detractors incentives to come back.
But their internal picture isn’t so good. If you look on Glassdoor, you see a high turnover of employees that are unsatisfied and now reviewing the company negatively on Glassdoor. You find that a lot of what their brand preaches is simply not true. Employees become whistleblowers; talking about how the company’s products aren’t really organic and that upper management is horrible to their employees, offering poor pay, high stress, and no time to play.
That worst-case scenario is frightening, and if customers, new and old, were to come across Small Business A’s Glassdoor profile, we are confident that they would stop giving them their patronage.
The way employees are treated will directly reflect how the company’s customers are treated in the long run.
Further, it’s one more place to get your business out into the social media sphere. When you launch your profile on Glassdoor, you’ll input your company’s basic business listing info for all to see and it can be connected with Facebook and Linkedin.
External feedback is what we focus on and there are loads of ways to get it. However, internal feedback isn’t always so easy. Glassdoor is a great way to keep tabs on it and to gauge whether or not your public image matches the company’s brand behind closed doors (oooh Glassdoor, we get it).
While you’re working on how the world sees you, don’t you forget about your employees. Get them talking positively about where they work. A good company means happy employees, which means happy customers.