If you’re like a lot of brands, you may be at a loss as to how to be proactive at generating online reviews. Aside from reaching out individually to every customer and every client, how can you create a solid channel for customers to give you feedback on your products, services, and customer service?
Luckily, there’s a simple way to consistently generate new online reviews without having to invest a huge amount of time reaching out and asking for Facebook reviews, one by one. Pulling in Facebook reviews to your website helps bring credibility to your brand and instantly build trust with consumers. It also helps nudge past customers to contribute reviews as well.
Here’s how to pull Facebook reviews into your website in a few easy steps.
1. Find a review that you want to embed onto your website.
2. Click on the date and time of the review. This will prompt Facebook to pull up a single page with the review.
3. Click the arrow in the upper right-hand corner. This will prompt a drop-down menu.
4. Select “More Options” and then “Embed Post”.
5. Copy the code that appears in the pop-up window.
6. Paste this code into the section of your website where you want your reviews to show up. This code can easily be pasted into a sidebar widget or any other place on your website where you want Facebook reviews to show up.