Frankly, Google, We Don’t Give a Damn

Our relationship with Google isn’t quite as tumultuous as that of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara, but there does seem to be a touch of drama with their ever-changing processes. Because we actually do give a damn, we’re here to help you understand their latest changes.
Know Thyself and Know Thou Team

Socrates, our favorite Greek philosopher, is known and revered for the Socratic Method, but did you know that he’s also the author of one of the shortest and sweetest phrases we’ve all heard? γνῶθι σεαυτόν – Know Thyself.
Pay it Forward

“It’s better to give than to receive.” Jesus himself spoke these words and since Christmas is this month, we’ve been pondering these words as they relate to the concept of paying it forward.
It Takes a Village

Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” —Charles Dickens As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this month, we’ve been pondering the word gratitude and our own Matt Jones had this to offer, “I think there is a certain humility that […]
What Are Google Local Guides?

As our Review Response Team has been managing online reviews, we’ve noticed an increase of something on Google called Local Guides. What are they? What does this mean? Do people need guidance on Google? The vast majority of people are pretty Google-savvy and don’t need a tour so what the heck is a Google Guide? […]
Meet Your Cornerman: Michelle Douglas

Michelle Douglas is relatively new to the ring with WebPunch. She joined the Review Response Team this past spring and brings to the team an innate sense of craftiness with words and a heart of gold. WebPunch is truly blessed to have her as part of our team. When she is not helping to craft […]
The Luxury of Time & Responding to Reviews

I don’t travel much but last weekend I had the privilege of flying to my home state of Oregon for my niece’s wedding (with a fun stop along the way to meet up with some of the WebPunch team in Denver!). Since it was a three-legged flight, I had plenty of time to observe customer […]
NWSBM: Things Women Couldn’t Do in 1970

Since we’ve been celebrating National Women’s Small Business this month, we thought it appropriate to share just how far women have come.
Facebook Live Videos

Earlier this week we introduced you to Google Business Virtual Tours. There’s nothing more important than sharing the story of your business with existing and potential consumers. Today we want to let you know about another avenue you can take that is even more simple and……wait for it…..FREE. You can’t beat free!
The Next Level: Google Business 360° Virtual Tours

Seeing is believing – at least that’s what the old adage says. But did you know that the actual quote doesn’t end there? The quote from 17th-century English clergyman, Thomas Fuller, in its entirety is “Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth.” We’ll circle back around to the feeling aspect later but for now, […]